When you give to Bethesda Church, you're giving to help cultivate imitators of Jesus Christ. You see, churches don't change lives. GOD changes lives! Then He shapes us to become Christ-followers who are willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go.
And we're not content to impact just the lives of people who come through our doors, but our mission is to equip every person at Bethesda to make an eternal impact where they work, play, and live.
We would love for you to partner with us to accomplish this mission and vision. The Bible directs us to give joyfully and abundantly. God loves a cheerful giver! And we do this knowing that everything we have been given to us is a blessing from God.
Various options are available for donating.
1. Send a check to the church:
Bethesda Church
15033 Hwy 13 South
Prior Lake, MN 55372
2. Use the Bill Pay option available through your own bank.
3. Donate through PayPal by clicking the button:
(Note that PayPal charges churches a small fee of 2.2% + $0.30 for each donation.)
Thank you for partnering with us!